Honorable Credits

Welcome to my "Honorable Credits" page!
This is where i'm giving due credit to all of the resources i've used (and been inspired from) for my own website!
Without these, my site won't have been the way it is nowadays

Mantis Theme

One of my favorite themes for GTK and XFCE4, alongside Arc-Dark, that gave me the push to get inspired from visually. I used to have this theme both on my (former) Linux Mint and (permanently moved to) Debian setup.

Reason why i've liked it lots was, especially, how it reduced the RAM usage in my XFCE setup (used to be around 450mbs~)- but since with time my tastes and setup changed later on, i had ditched XFCE in favor of PekWM (plus Lemonbar, DMenu, etc.) due to it's lighter footprint and set of features.

Despite my permanent move to PekWM, i have done a pretty good, faithful, and fitting port of the latter for it aswell- except the only downside is that it works under version 0.2.0 onwards (i tested it in a previous release of PekWM, and man, it was terribly borked).

If you want to give a good look to the original theme (despite development got abandoned due to personal reasons), you can give it a peek over here and, maybe, you can apply to your XFCE setup aswell.
Really, this b&w theme is criminally underrated.

Gruvbox Palette

This is the color palette i've used for the entirety of my website (with the exclusion of several images). The following originates from a palette made originally for VIM and decided to adopt it to give a cohesive "simple desktop" aesthetic to my webpage, too.

Liberation Mono

This is the font i've picked for my website, yep. For some it may seem too "generic" and whatnot, but for my tastes it was a great fit for my page's general aesthetic (aside the fact it's a free and open-source font aswell).

My Art

It may sound curious, but across my webpage you may find some exclusive artwork i've made scattered around it. Aside the one i've made for the landing page, you may find the rest by screwing around with it (or exploring it's source code lol, it's super easy to find it lmao).

Simple Desktops

I've found this website probably somewhere in 2022, in the midst of a reddit browse, and i've had the idea that it had the perfect set of images for my website (since it complemented the whole "desktop look" i've been looking for since it's original inception on GitHub Pages, and then moved everything to Codeberg due to privacy concerns with GH), honestly.

In case you may have noticed, all of the article pages i've made in here contain a small footer (on the bottom left) that credits both the author and website source lol- and all of the bgs i've picked definitely come from this wonderful website lol.
Still, great props to the people behind this wonderful website!


This webpage was the one i've used for outsourcing the socials (and navbar) icons i've used throughout my website, honestly.

Despite this, though, it's only good if you save the icons on your website locally and don't have to rely towards their own servers in order to load them on for your website (they're molasses slow, believe me). I'd healthily suggest to never use links to their servers, like ever- but aside that, it's actually a pretty solid website that offers a great collection of free-to-use icons for every taste and needs you may have in terms of aesthetics for your webpage devving (of course, with the agreement that you should give credit where is due on your own webpage lol).


This is, undoubtedly, the best part of the indie-web that has pushed to make my very own website as cool and unique as possible (or, in other words, give it as many "me vibes" as i could).

Honestly, exploring Neocities itself has also given me actual motivation to really go for it- compared to the fact that, much before i was going to learn HTML and CSS in the first place, my previous drafts for my website were going to be heavily inspired by thebestmotherfucking.website:
but in the end, i'm so, so much glad i had a change of heart when i started working on it.